2 socket system with AMD EPYC 7453 28-Core processors with HT enabled, 256 gigabytes of RAM.
The baseline kernel (a) is 6.3-rc4 with the configuration very close to openSUSE Leap 15.3.
The modified kernel (b) is 6.3-rc4 with __GFP_UNMAPPED patches applied.
#!/bin/bash D_DIR=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net/netfilter KERNEL_MODULES=$(ls -1 $KMOD_DIR | sed 's/.ko$//') function modules_load() { for m in $KERNEL_MODULES; do modprobe $m &> /dev/null done } function modules_unload() { for m in $KERNEL_MODULES; do modprobe -r $m &> /dev/null done } while :; do echo time: `date +%s` modules_unload modules_load done